
Turn column into row excel
Turn column into row excel

We don't particularly care about the row number, we only care about the column number, so we use 1 for row_num in all cases. Note the result from ADDRESS is always a text string. For example: =ADDRESS(1,1) // returns "$A$1"īy providing 4 for the optional abs_num argument, we can get a relative reference: =ADDRESS(1,1,4) // returns "A1" We can do this with the ADDRESS function, which will return the address for a cell based on a given row and column number. Working from the inside out, the first step is to construct an address that contains the correct column reference. For reference, the formula in C5 is: =SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,B5,4),"1","") One way to solve this problem is to construct a valid address with the number and extract just the column from the address.

turn column into row excel

The challenge is that Excel can handle over 16,000 columns, so the number of letter combinations is large. For example, the number 1 should return "A", the number 2 should return "B", the number 26 should return "Z", etc. In this example, the goal is to convert an ordinary number into a column reference expressed in letters.

Turn column into row excel